CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

At Triveni, corporate responsibility is a process of continually improving our standards, our actions and our processes. Our commitments on business conduct, the environment, people and communities guide our overall approach. Our social investments in Education and Healthcare aim to create a positive impact on the society. Our approach encourages innovation and entrepreneurship to create solutions that are scalable, replicable and sustainable. By focusing on long term solutions, we aim to have our contributions make a lasting difference.


Provides fund for marriage of poor girls and education of poor children.
Provides fund for education of poor children to religious committee
Organized various social campaigns to uplift the knowledge of our farmers.
Monthly organizing farmers meeting to educate them about various pests, crops and their protection.


Provides financial support to the under privileged in many other social initiatives.


Triveni Fertilizers & Chemicals donated to the PM CARE FUND during corona pandemic.


Ensures very less pollution emit to keep our environment safe & healthy.
Preparing towards bringing more & more organic manures which are less harmful to the environment.
Manufactures organic manures like Bhoo-Dhan, which is a zero waste substance. Manures like these, are made of waste products.
“Corporate Social Responsibility is the Foundation of the Way that Triveni and Our Employees Manufacture and Market Our Products and Conduct Business Throughout the World"